Baltimore School of Reflexology
Based in Baltimore and Mechanicsville, Maryland. Contains reflex maps, theory, history and typical session. https://www.baltimoreschoolofreflexology.com/
Connecticut Center for Universal Reflexology
Based in Wolcott, Connecticut. Contains descriptions of methods, information for students. https://www.universalreflexology.net
Effective Reflexology
Based in Worcestershire, United Kingdom. Contains information on courses, course dates, and charts. https://www.effective-reflexology.com/
Footsteps School of Reflexology
Based in Toronto, Canada. Contains information on courses, dates, testimonials, and links. https://www.footstepsreflexologyschool.com
International Academy of Advanced Reflexology
Licensed by the Pennsylvania State Board of Private licensed schools. A complementary, integrative health science, encouraging improved instruction to all systems, thus persuading the body to biologically correct, strenthen, and reinforce itself. https://www.reflexology.net
International Institute of Reflexology
[Florida, USA] Old established school with international connections. https://www.reflexology-usa.net/
International Institute of Reflexology (UK)
The International Institute of Reflexology is the oldest training school and the only school to teach the original Ingham Method. In the UK, we teach on a regional basis and have a directory of qualified practitioners who hold the MIIR (Reg'd) letters after their name. https://www.reflexology-uk.co.uk
International School of Reflexology and Meridian Therapy
Inge Dougans's school in South Africa, with emphasis on meridians and vacuflex. https://www.vacuflex.com
London School of Reflexology
Practitioner's Courses in Reflexology are held at Regents College, Regents Park, london, to be accredited by the Association of Reflexologists leading to a AQA level 3 diploma in Reflexology. https://www.learnreflexology.com
Oxford School of Reflexology
Based in Oxford, United Kingdom. Contains information on courses, downloads, links and qualifications. https://www.therapy-school.co.uk