Nurse Options USA
Job listings for nurses, advanced practice nurses and nursing management permanent, temporary, and travel positions throughout the USA. https://www.nurseoptions.com/
Fills traveling and permanent nursing positions. Includes jobs database, resume services, newsletter, and application. https://www.nurse-recruiter.com/
UK job and information database designed so that individuals can search to find a vacancy, training course or service. https://www.nurserve.co.uk/
Nurses Network International, LLC
Placing nurses nationally and internationally in USA jobs. Includes list of immigration attorneys, and Durham, North Carolina information. https://www.nniusa.com/
Nurses Rx
Travel agency offering short-term assignments. Includes job highlights, benefits, frequently asked questions, and application form. https://www.nursesrx.com/
Recruits internationally for positions in the United States. Includes list of services, requirements, and forms. https://www.nursesjobusa.com/
Offers searchable database, resume tools, and frequently asked questions. Requires free registration. https://www.nursesonthenet.net/
Nursing Agencies List (UK)
List of agencies based in the United Kingdom. https://www.nursing-agencies-list.com/
Nursing Agency of Australia
Placement agency recruiting internationally and from within Australia. Includes requirements, pay comparisons, and newsletter. https://www.nursingagency.com.au/
Nursing Australia Nursing Agency
International Nurse Recruitment Agency - 11 offices within Australia. Specialising in placement of general and specialist nurses for placement across Australia, from flexible agency work to short/long term placements. https://www.nursingaustralia.com.au/