Eileen Lichtenstein, MS. Ed. Life/ Business Coach, Consultant President, Audio CD available: Moving Meditation?Fitness. (Link
promoting optimal performance and productivity.
British Meditation Society
The history and events of the organization with a network of teachers and support groups. https://fp.osteopath.plus.com/bms/
Desk top Meditation
A slide show and e-book on meditation. https://www.desktop-meditation.com/
Exalted Living
A quick guide for beginner meditators and for those who have found meditating diffucult. https://www.exaltedliving.com/
Feel Better about Things
Articles by Bob Steinman in the general area of self help with an emphasis on stress management techniques and tips, meditation, and other forms of relaxation. https://feelbetteraboutthings.com/
House of Bliss
On-line yoga and meditation. (may require some plugg-ins) https://www.blissed.com/
Inner Sports
Meditation and yoga applied to sports and outdoor activities. https://www.innersports.org/
Meditation at BellaOnline
Articles on practical meditation techniques in a contemporary format for children, teens and adults, plus a forum. https://meditation.bellaonline.com/
Meditation for Health
Medical program based in Toronto, Canada teaching mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) to patients with chronic pain, anxiety, sleep disorders and stress-sensitive symptoms. https://www.meditationforhealth.com/
Meditation Station
Meditation Society of America's web site. Dedicated to sharing meditation techniques and concepts from all traditions. https://www.meditationsociety.com/