A 'gateway' website for health and human services information from the US Government. Healthfinder can lead you to selected online publications, clearinghouses, databases, web sites, and support and self-help groups, as well as the government agencies and not-for-profit organizations. https://www.healthfinder.gov
HealthScout: Personalized Health News For You And Your Family
Personal and family health news, interactive checkups, medical encyclopedias, discussion groups, articles on drugs, diseases. https://www.healthscout.com
Healthtouch Online
A resource that brings together valuable information from trusted sources on topics such as medications, health, diseases, supplements, and natural medicine. https://www.healthtouch.com
HealthySelf: Health and Medical Information Research Service
HealthySelf provides fee-based health and medical information on diseases, procedures, treatments (conventional and alternative) and resources. https://www.networksplus.net/healthyself
HELP - Health Education Library for People
with many free online full-text books and magazines on health and illness. https://www.healthlibrary.com
Helping Children Cope With the Intensive Care Unit
A multimedia booklet providing the public with basic information about equipment such as ventilators and IVs used in the intensive care units. Sounds of these equipment are available from the site. Taken from the Iowa Health Book, a part of the University of Iowa's Virtual Hospital. https://www.vh.org/pediatric/patient/pediatrics/copingwithintensivecareunit/
Home Healthcare Guide
The NHS Home Healthcare guide from SurgeryDoor provides over 120 pages on common ailments, their causes, effects and treatment. https://www.surgerydoor.co.uk/hhcg/detail1.asp?level1=Welcome
How to Review Your Blood Test Results
Explains glucose, electrolytes, minerals, thyroid and others. https://www.amarillomed.com/howto.htm
ICU Answer Page
Written by a critical care nurse, and aimed at patients and relatives. The site offers information, links and a forum. https://www.geocities.com/ask_icu/
JAMA's Patient Education Pages
The full text of patient education pages from the Journal of the American Medical Association. https://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/collection/patient_page