A Guide to Medical Information and Support on the Internet
Covers medical chats, newsgroups, listservs, doctors online, Medline access, research tips, and comprehensive medical and health sites. https://www.geocities.com/~mediguide/
Information on health related issues as they affect African Americans and other minorities at risk. https://www.allaboutblackhealth.com
Anesthesia Preoperative Preparation
Useful information on the preoperative preparation of patients for anesthesia and surgery. https://www.anesthesia.wisc.edu/Clinic/
Be MedWise
A public education initiative by the National Council on Patient Information and Education (NCPIE) to promote safe and appropriate use of over-the-counter medicines. https://www.bemedwise.org/
Case Health
Enables the sharing of health success stories amongst the worldwide internet community. Visitors can enter their own health success story (case study) or search the database for other health success stories - all non-identifying. https://www.casehealth.com.au
Children's Hospital Medical Center of Cincinnati
Patient education information written by the nurses and physicians at Children's Hospital Medical Center of Cincinnati. https://www.cincinnatichildrens.org/family/pep/
Cliff Steer : Heart Man
Free video by a heart transplant patient, aimed at Jr. High kids, about positive life styles, the non-use of drugs and alcohol, and organ donation. https://members.aol.com/cjsteer
Complete Home Medical Guide
Online medical encyclopedia. Includes commonly prescribed drugs. https://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/texts/guide/
Cooper Institute Virtual Patient Information Resource Center
Prepares consumers for their enhanced role as more active and assertive partners in the management of their health care through patient education. https://www.cooperinstitute.org
CT Network
Provides support for CAT Scan patients. Includes a message board for communication, descriptions, and links for all things CT. https://www.ctnetwork.net