Ask Your Midwife
Advice on pregnancy, childbirth, STDs, infertility and gynecology with articles and discussion boards, moderated by Elizabeth Stein, a certified nurse midwife in New York City. https://www.askyourmidwife.com/
Equipment for homebirth midwives, including birthkits, birthing supplies, videos, books, and miscellaneous baby products, including fetoscopes. https://www.birthsupplies.com/
Cassandra Garcia
Protocols for midwives prepared by a midwife and legal nurse consultant. Service details, pricing, and curriculum vitae. https://www.cassandragarcia.com/
Gentle Birth
Collection of midwifery articles and resources and links to online research articles. Detailed aspects of pregnancy and childbirth and a perspective on homebirth. Northern California resources and services for midwives and expectant mothers, and notes for midwives. https://www.gentlebirth.org/
A specialist site from the publishers of the British Journal of Midwifery. Includes a library and archives, the history, editorial and news and the profession. https://www.intermid.co.uk
Midwife's Dream
Collection of articles and links from Midge Jolly, midwife. https://members.aol.com/Midgewife/midwifesdream.html
Provides resources to midwives, students and consumers. Includes a glossary, database of midwives, conference information and a forum. https://www.midwifeinfo.com/
Midwifery Today Articles
Learn about pregnancy, birth, midwifery, herbs, drugs and alternative medicine. https://www.midwiferytoday.com/articles/index.asp
NMAP Gateway
Annotated, searchable database of links. https://nmap.ac.uk/
On-Line Birth Center
Resources for midwives, nurses, doulas, childbirth educators, doctors, and parents. https://www.efn.org/~djz/birth/birthindex.html