United States
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Carolinas Center for Hospice and End of Life Care
An association for hospices in North and South Carolina. Provides support to over 100 affilites with education, regulatory information, and many other services. https://www.carolinasendoflifecare.org
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Hospice Association of America
National organization representing hospices, caregivers, and volunteers; lobbying group for hospice, advocating the industry's interests and providing hospice information for members, providers, and consumers. https://www.hospice-america.org/
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National Institute For Jewish Hospice
Resources for families, medical and mental health care practioners who are concerned with the aspects of terminally ill patients of the Jewish faith. https://www.nijh.org
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National Prison Hospice Association
Assisting corrections professionals in providing hospice care for terminally ill and elderly inmates. Provides links to resources and email list subscription. https://www.npha.org/
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Odyssey Volunteers
Hospice provider introduces program which assists patients with pain and symptom control, emotional, and spiritual support. Offers information on the foundation and locations. https://www.odyssey-healthcare.net/
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SouthernCare Hospice
Facilities in southern and midwestern states. Describes admission requirements, services offered, and rates. https://southerncarehospice.com
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The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
Charitable organization created in 1992 to broaden America's understanding of hospice through research and education. Includes a directory of hospice care, information about medicare, and information on what hospice care is. https://www.nhpco.org/
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Trinity Hospice
Physical, emotional, and spiritual care for the terminally ill. Several locations throughout the US. https://www.trinityhospice.com
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