Dr. Subrahmanyam Karuturi - Dot Com Doctor
Basic information on software, hardware, internet, trends, maintenance, articles, reviews, a 'text content summarizer' and links. Indian focused though in English. https://www.drksm.com
e-Health Research Centre
Centre conducts trials on health solutions and undertakes research and development into critical health conditions. Find a profile, latest news, current research and upcoming events. https://e-hrc.net
Health Informatics Luxembourg
English and German information about international informatics developments. Conferences, news, downloads considerable detail. https://www.health-informatics.lu/
Health Informatics World Wide
Comprehensive index of links to medical and nursing informatics. https://www.hiww.org/
Medical Informatics (Minfor)
Articles on medical informatics. Links to related literature, journals and articles. https://minfor.net
Pharmacy Informatics
News, articles, topical information and a networking facility between pharmacists and information technologists. https://www.pharmacyinformatics.com