Quantum Units Education (Link
Quantum Units Education provides CEUs (continuing education units) for Nurses, Therapists, Social Workers, Substance Abuse Counselors and others.
About Psychotherapy
Information explaining what psychotherapy is, how it works, why it works, what should happen there, why go, when to stop, how to find and choose a therapist. https://www.aboutpsychotherapy.com
ABS - Alternative Behavioral Services
Offers a wide array of behavioral health services that strive to reach the needs of the youth, families, and communities served (United States). https://www.absfirst.com
Allied Psychology Group, Inc.
Offers a full range of psychological services for the San Francisco East Bay community. Links to national and local mental health sites. Featured article. https://www.alliedpsychological.com
Ann Smith Counseling and Training
Information on a 5-day in-patient treatment program. Find dates for the workshops. Catalog of recovery materials includes books, audio and video tapes. https://www.annsmith.com
Aurora Counseling, Inc
Learn from your mind and body how to quickly resolve emotional conflicts with yourself and others. https://www.SusanKimball.net/
Bio-Behavioral Institute
Information on mental health, treatment services, and research studies. Located in New York. https://www.bio-behavioral.com
Cancer as a Turning Point
Lawrence LeShan, PhD and staff offer cancer support retreats and individual marathon therapy sessions, in NYC, NC and CT. https://www.cancerasaturningpoint.org/
Center for Cognitive Rehabilitation
Provides evaluation and treatment services for people with a wide range of physical and emotional problems. Includes information about the evaluation, links and contact details. Located in Decatur, Georgia. https://www.rehabgeorgia.com
Claremont Behavioral Services
Resource for personal, practical worksite-focused EAP services to private and public sector employers, their employees and family members. https://www.claremonteap.com