Adult Depression: Effective Treatments
Documented treatments for depressed adults: medications, psychotherapy, ECT, well-studied alternative treatments. https://www.ncpamd.com/Adult_Depression.htm
Antepartum Depression Treatment
Treatment successes in an open trial of light therapy for pregnant women, published in the American Journal of Psychiatry. https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/abstract/159/4/666
AskMen.com - Depression
Includes tips for men on dealing with depression. https://www.askmen.com/sports/health/24_mens_health.html
Cancer and Depression
The main categories of psychological distress for patients with cancer include adjustment problems; depression; and anxiety. https://www.cancernews.com/articles/cancer&depression.htm
Consumers Review Serzone
Consumers who use Serzone report the benefits and side effects they experienced. https://www.nutritionalsupplements.com/prescription/indexserzone.html
Dangers of Dietary Supplements
This investigative report exposes the many problems, including lack of safety studies, weak government oversight and the lack of a system to insure produces are pure and free of contamination. https://thomasjmoore.com/pages/dietary_main.html
Depression newsletter for mental health professionals and their patients. https://athealth.com/Practitioner/Newsletter/FPN_3_36.html
Depression - The Invisible Disease - Pioneer Thinking
Depression can be devastating to all areas of a person's everyday life, including family relationships, friendships, and the ability to work or go to school. https://www.pioneerthinking.com/depression.html
Depression Briefs
Briefs about depression with psychotic features, regular depression, and treatment. https://www.dhyansanjivani.org/dipression_index.asp
Depression Study and Research
Describes results of clinical depression research. Includes depression and the elderly, the link to a history of abuse and the importance of depression clinical trials. https://www.depression-clinical-trials.com