PII Colloidal Silver Generators (Link
Site sells fully automatic ionic silver machines for home and commercial use.
Juicers, dehydrators, and water purifiers. https://www.alljuicedup.com/
BeSmart Grain Mills
Selling a range of grain mills and wheat mills including hand mills and electric. https://www.grain-mills.co.uk/
Better Juice
Sells juicers, water filter system, and light therapy product. https://www.betterjuice.com
C.F. Resources
Offers supplements, healthy living equipment, canning supplies, and books. https://www.cfamilyresources.com
Offers generators to make colloidal silver. Also offers replacement rods and sea salt. https://www.colloidalmaker.com/
Coyote Zenterprizes
Offers an automatic direct current colloidal silver generator. https://silverpuppy.com/
Diet Purse
Designed to carry foods and medications outside the home. Useful for individuals on diets. https://www.dietpurse.com/
EasyGreen Sprouter
Seeds, nutritional articles, organic health foods and recipes. https://www.easygreen.com/
Harvest Essentials
Juicers and food dehydrators. https://www.harvestessentials.com