Offers online nutrition tools that generate nutrition facts labels for any food or recipe. Provides a nutrient almanac designed to aid in planning a healthy, balanced diet. https://www.nutrientfacts.com
Online nutrient database of over 66,000 raw, cooked and packaged foods. https://www.nutrientfinder.com
Information about antioxidants as an alternative treatment for various types of cancer. https://www.nutrisolutions.com/
Nutrition Facts
Information about carbohydrates, fats, trans-fats, sugars, proteins, and other nutritional information about thousands of foods. https://www.food-stats.com
Soy Info Online
Information on soy, soy products, and legumes. Nutrient charts for common legumes, discussion of allergies, phytochemicals, and protective effects. https://www.soyinfo.com/
The fats for foods consultant
Help to define the best fat for your own food application. https://www.fatsforfoods.com
The Nutrition Guide
Comprehensive breakdown of all the nutritional elements of more than 6000 foods. https://www.thenutritionguide.com
Whey Protein Institute
Advocates the use of whey proteins in nutrition. Describes nutrition facts and functions complete proteins have in diet. https://www.wheyoflife.org/