Includes information about vitamins, minerals, herbs, bee products and antioxidants. https://allnutritionals.com
Egg Nutrition Center
Scientific information for nutritionists and health care providers to learn about eggs and good nutrition. Has list of research and scientific studies done an eggs online. https://www.enc-online.org/
Fish Oils in Health and Disease
Collected articles describing current scientific research relating to the benefits of fish oil and fish consumption, including benefits of fish oil for various conditions and diseases. https://www.oilofpisces.com
Food Additives and Ingredients Association
Includes information on food additives and food ingredients such as enumbers, emulsifiers, flavorings, colorings, functional foods, and preservatives. https://www.faia.org.uk
Food Supplements
Information about effects of vitamins and minerals in the body with reference listings for individual nutrients. https://foodsupplements.homestead.com
International Council for the Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorder
A non-profit, non-government organization for the sustainable elimination of iodine deficiency and the promotion of optimal iodine nutrition worldwide. https://www.iccidd.org
Lutein - The Vision Carotenoid
Simple and clear information on role of lutein, a plant carotenoid deficient in most western diets, in vision, especially the prevention of 'age-related macular degeneration', as well as overall health, from the 'Lutein Information Bureau' in USA. https://www.luteininfo.com
A comprehensive resource on lycopene and its health benefits including current research, media releases, and recipes. https://www.lycopene.org/
Mike's Calorie and Fat Gram Chart
Has calorie and fat gram chart for 1000 foods sorted by carbohydrates, cholesterol, protein, and fat listed alphabetically. Provides health and fitness links. https://www.caloriecountercharts.com
Directory of information on nutritional supplements, herbal supplements and health concerns. https://www.nutrasanus.com