1450, Inc
Specializes in the development of assistive software for the deaf and hard of hearing. https://www.myicommunicator.com/
All Hands Interpreting Service
Offers alarm clocks, amplified telephones and many other products for the deaf and hearing impaired. https://www.deafstuffnmore.com
Arizona Hearing Online
Offers a broad variety of products for the deaf and hard of hearing as well as mobility and speech aids. https://www.azhearing.com
Distributes a wide range of assistive devices including amplified telephones, notification systems, and TTYs. https://www.deafquip.co.nz
Deafworks Company
Manufactures, sells, and repairs assistive devices and products for the deaf and hard of hearing. https://www.deafworks.com/
Hear USA
Provides a broad range of hearing enhancement products and accessories, including hearing aids, specialty telephones and amplifiers, alerting and signaling systems. https://www.hearusa.com/
Hearing Visions
Sales of self-help program to learn lipreading skills. https://www.lipreading.com
HearingPlanet, Inc.
Offers a catalog of hearing aids, listening devices and accessories. Includes a downloadable buyer’s guide to digital hearing aids. https://www.hearingplanet.com
Supplies a wide range of products for the deaf and hard of hearing, including alerting devices, TTYs, and amplified phones. https://www.hearmore.com
Hears to You
TDD communication devices, amplified phones, wake-up alarms, and hearing aid batteries. https://members.aol.com/h2u1/