Aging Well Village
Health and wellness for mature adults seeking to start or maintain a healthy lifestyle. Nutrition, fitness, healing, medications, and safety. https://agingwell.state.ny.us/
Dr. Ann Steiner's Medical Information Sheet
Convenient medication tracking. Medicine list easily folded into pocket-sized reference. https://www.drsteiner.net/
Florida Health Consultants
Provides geriatric case management services https://www.flahealth.com
Lifeline Systems
Provider of emergency response systems and medical alarms for the at home elderly, enhancing their independence and quality of life. https://www.lifelinesys.com/
Offers free timely reminders for immunizations, flu shots and important preventive medical tests and procedures via email, pager or cell phone. https://remindexpress.com/
Safety Link
Personal response service that links clients with family, friends or emergency services in times of need. https://www.safetylink.ballarat.net.au/
Senior Drivers
Offers a driving refresher and fitness tips for seniors using streaming video. Includes travel hints, latest traffic safety news, links, and quizzes. https://www.seniordrivers.org/
The Center for Social Gerontology
TCSG is a non-profit research, training and social policy organization dedicated to promoting the individual autonomy of older persons and advancing their well-being in society. https://www.tcsg.org/