New York Spine Institute
(Basic Listing)
The world renowned physicians of the New York Spine Institute provide medical care for nearly every spinal problem and disorder, offering both conservative treatment and spine surgery procedures.
https://www.nyspine.com/newburgh-ny-spine-surgeons/ |
Presented from a patient's perspective, various hip replacement implants and hip resurfacing are described. Joint preservation strategies and life after surgery are discussed. https://www.activejoints.com
AONA Orthopaedic Multimedia Library
Orthopedic RealPlayer streaming media video downloads. https://tristan.membrane.com/aona/video/ortho/index.html
The center for orthopaedics and sports medicine Marietta, Georgia. https://www.arthroscopy.com
Bonegraf.com - Orthopaedics for Residents and Medical Students
MATCH advice for students, links to all US Ortho programs. Orthopaedic cases, lit searches, and links to on-line Ortho references. https://www.bonegraf.com
Course in Orthopaedic Medicine
Course available on CD-Rom for clinical diagnosis of shoulder and elbow lesions, examination techniques, clinical interpretation and treatment. https://www.ombregt.be/engels/index_e.htm
Electronic Orthopaedic Textbook
An online medical reference on Orthopedics for medical students and Orthopedic residents. https://www.worldortho.com/database/etext/
Hip Universe
Offering general and information to those experiencing hip problems from any conceivable cause. Includes personal stories, links to articles and technical information about hip repairs. https://hipuniverse.homestead.com/
Extensive information about hip replacement surgery, its advantages and disadvantages and what to expect before, during and after surgery. https://www.hipreplacement.co.uk
International Shoulder Course, Villach (Austria)
A course from shoulder surgeons for shoulder surgeons. Program information an online-registration. (June 2, 2004) https://www.shoulder.org/
John Hopkins Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Patient and physician information on many orthopedic surgical techniques. https://www.med.jhu.edu/ortho/