JJ's Diet and Fitness
A personalized diet plan with the use of supplements. https://jjsdietfitness.homestead.com
K and M Success Systems
Offers a mini course on losing excess body fat. https://www.successfulbody.com/
Offers a comprehensive solution to weight control. https://www.lindora.com
Listen To Your Body
Weight loss program to increase metabolism. https://www.ltyb.com
Spiritual weight loss counseling, including tapes, books, seminars and online programs. https://www.mattcoyote.com
Maximum Fitness
Weight loss programs for obesity are offered by Gary Matthews from Australia involving a combination of nutrition and exercise. https://www.maximumfitness.com
Maximum Results Personal Training
Customized weight loss and fitness programs. https://www.changeyourbody.net
Medi-Fitness Productions
Personal guidance, tools and education to help with weight loss and fitness. https://www.learnandburn.com
Medibar Diet
Offering diet programs, food products and vitamins. https://www.medibardiet.com
Personalized menus for natural weight loss. https://menulife.bizhosting.com