Powerseed Weight Control System
Features a small, computerized eating coach and mind and body program to attain long term weight control. https://powerseed.com
Weight loss program based on recognizing and stopping unhealthy eating patterns. https://www.pwlp.com
Real Life Health Management Systems
Customized nutritional plan developed specific to body type and goals. https://www.reallifehealth.com
Real Living Nutrition Services
Provides personalized online weight management programs designed by registered dietitians. https://www.reallivingnutrition.com
Customized meal plans, based on healthy eating, proper food combinations and balanced diet. https://www.self-size.com/english/
Shock Diet
Offers a diet delivered via email that increases energy levels. https://www.yourhealth911.com/
Slim & Trim Diet
6-week program which includes recipes and nutritional information provided for each week. https://www.slimtrimdiet.com
Customized meal plans, health and diet related news and information. https://www.slimavenue.com
Offering diet and weight loss programs for children and teens. https://slimkids.com/
Features a system for weight loss that includes a tool for managing your food intake, a beaded bracelet that works like an abacus. https://www.slimmerbeads.com